Hey, I’m Sherika

Career Coach + Interview Strategist

Let me help you get your career to the next level!

I help ambitious millennial women fast track their careers to land their dream jobs. As a Career Coach & Interview Strategist, my goal is to provide career clarity, boost confidence, ace interviews, and guide you out of your comfort zone to achieve your career aspirations.

Let’s grow your career and unlock your full potential together!

Truth Bomb: Many people think that navigating a whole career journey is a solo sport. The truth is it takes a village to get you to the highest heights of your career.

As a Career Coach, I have developed my signature P.O.W.E.R career method to help women fast track success and achieve careers they know they deserve.

Let's get you prepared with the tools and strategies you will need to level up in the workforce!

Join the P.O.W.ER. Career Movement!

Join the P.O.W.E.R Career Academy wait list and be first in line to know when we officially launch. The academy will provide ambitious millennial women with the tools they need to elevate their careers, gain clarity, and create a road map that will lead to lasting success.


I was at a crossroads trying to pivot and make new career moves. Using the tips/advice she gave me in our 1-1 sessions I was able to secure the job of my dreams within a few short months. I was also told my interview was quite memorable. As a woman of colour, I needed that confidence to make the right career move and Sherika gave me that.

Olatoke A.

Before speaking with Sherika about my career, I felt like I was stuck in a rut. She helped me see things from a different perspective and gave me the guidance to move forward. Now, I feel a renewed sense of inspiration and motivation to work harder to reach my career goals.

Ladan M.

Before working with Sherika I knew I wanted to make a career change I just didn't know how. Working with her gave me the confidence and strategies to pivot to a new career successfully within 6 months.

Priscilla V.

After working 1:1 with Sherika on my interview prep I gained the confidence I needed to shine in my next interview. I'm happy to report her methods worked and I landed my dream job!

Anna 0.

Follow along: @CareerCheqConsulting


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